In pursuing its vision of maintaining an exemplary working environment for its staff, RISK MANAGEMENT GROUP (RMG) has formulated the goal of “attracting and supporting staff of the highest quality and being an exemplary employer”. RMG also accepts that it has a responsibility to act in conformity with the spirit and intent of equal opportunity and affirmative action legislation. This legislation includes the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Commonwealth), the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Commonwealth), the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Commonwealth), the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Commonwealth), the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Commonwealth) and the Anti-Discrimination Act 1998 (Tasmania).
RISK MANAGEMENT GROUP (RMG) is committed to managing its operations such that it complies with all relevant State and Commonwealth environmental legislation and industry standards in the areas within which it operates. RMG also seeks at all times to reduce the environmental impact of its operations by identifying and minimizing environmental risk and ensuring the availability of adequate resources to do this. The key issues in RMG’s environmental strategy include;
RISK MANAGEMENT GROUP (RMG) recognises its moral and legal responsibility for health and safety and provision of a safe and healthy environment for employees, contractors, client and visitors. As part of this commitment we aim to ensure the organisations operations do not place the local community at risk of injury, illness or property damage. Our objective in maintaining safety is to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and industry standards. Where laws do not exist, we would adopt and apply standards which control risks associated with our operations, products and services. The company is committed to open communications, consultation and involvement of managers, employees and contractors on occupational health and safety issues.
RISK MANAGEMENT GROUP (RMG) recognise the need for risk management during all of the organisations business operations, and identified the need for a robust Risk Management Framework in which material risks are proactively identified, communicated and managed across the organisation. Risks are defined as any event that can impede the RMG’s ability to achieve its client’s objectives. RMG recognises that risk management is an integral part of sound management practice and good corporate governance as it improves decision making and enhances outcomes and accountability.
RISK MANAGEMENT GROUP (RMG) aspires to achieving sustainable development in line with our ethical and professional values. This means we will try to simultaneously enhance community wellbeing, environmental health and economic productivity. We embrace the challenge of designing and delivering solutions for clients that provide enduring value, recognising that technology, science and innovation are central to finding sustainable solutions. Around the world people who work and live in buildings are today increasingly concerned about the building’s impact on the environment and the impact the building makes on them. RMG have recognised this and helps our clients deliver and own responsible sustainable buildings. To foster sustainable property development we will;
Triple Bottom Line is a well understood concept of measuring the Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) performance of corporations, and includes not only a financial bottom line but two additional bottom lines for Environmental and Social performance reporting. Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) issues are critical to all modern corporations, and also a high priority of the Risk Management Group (RMG). The prevention of adverse environment, social or health and safety is an embedded priority in RMG management philosophy and is integrated into RMG business practices.
RISK MANAGEMENT GROUP (RMG) utilise a quality management system to ensure improvements and non-conformances are managed. Inputs into its quality management system can be identified by an audit processes, Client complaints, grievances, industry consultation; training or identified non-conformances are reviewed and managed. RMG regularly conducts and reviews these inputs according to its continual improvement process, along with identification and management of potential risks and preventative action. RMG carry out regular reviews of procedures, structures and methodologies to ensure that they remain appropriate and effective. These reviews cover such areas as client feedback, stakeholder input; assessor standards, industry standards, and reviews will be reported and fed back in to the quality management system for continual improvement. Feedback is naturally very important to us and part of our continual improvement process.
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